Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness (APCG)

The Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness (APCG) is a biennial event in the summer, usually July or August providing opportunity to contribute to the global conversation about gifted and talented education. Every two years the event is held at a different location and brings together hundreds of members and attendees and numerous presentations covering latest trends in the education of gifted and talented children. Previously the conference were held in Manila (1990), Taipei (1992), Seoul (1994), Jakarta (1996), New Delhi (1998), Beijing (2000), Bangkok (2002), Daejeon (2004), Taipei (2006), Singapore (2008), Sydney (2010), Dubai (2012), Beijing (2014), Macau (2016), Bangkok (2018), Daegu (2020), and Taipei (2022). Japan will host the 18th APCG conference in 2024.
Previous APCG Conferences
  Time Venue Theme
The 18th APCG Conference 17–20 August 2024 Takamatsu, Japan Educational Environments for Transforming Gifted Minds, Lives and Communities
The 17th APCG Conference 7–10 July 2022 Taipei, Taiwan Embracing Diversity, Blooming Talents
The 16th APCG Conference 30 July–3 August 2020 Daegu, Korea Beyond Intelligence: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Ethical minds
The 15th APCG Conference 20–24 Agust 2018 Bangkok, Thailand Inspiration, Motivation, and Creativity: Leading the Way to Giftedness
The 14th APCG Conference 12–15 July 2016 Macau, China Maximizing Potential, Lighting up the Future
The 13th APCG Conference 3–6 August 2014 Beijing, China Nurturing Giftedness and Creativity for the Positive Future
The 12th APCG Conference 14–18 July 2012 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Nurturing Talent, Growing Potential
The 11th APCG Conference 29 July–1 August 2010 Sydney, Australia Thinking Smart: Effective Partnerships for Talent Development
The 10th APCG Conference 14–18 July 2008 Singapore, Singapore Nurturing Talents for the Global Community
The 9th APCG Conference 31 July–4 August 2006 Taipei, Taiwan Beyond Equality and Diversity
The 8th APCG Conference 26–30 July 2004 Daejeon, Korea Rebirth of Giftedness in the Trans-Modern Society: Vision, Values and Leadership
The 7th APCG Conference 12–16 August 2002 Bangkok, Thailand Igniting Children’s Potentials and Creativity
The 6th APCG Conference 17–20 August 2000 Beijing, China Different Cultures, Different Views: Gifted Education in the New Millennium?
The 5th APCG Conference 1–5 September 1998 New Delhi, India Beyond the Classroom: A Global Perspective on Giftedness
The 4th APCG Conference 4–8 August 1996 Jakarta, Indonesia Optimizing Excellence in Human Resource Development
The 3rd APCG Conference 1–4 August 1994 Seoul, Korea Creativity: Towards 21st Century
The 2nd Asian Conference on Giftedness 24–27 July 1992 Taipei, Taiwan Growing Up Gifted & Talented
The 1st Southeast Asian Regional Conference on Giftedness 14–18 August 1990 Manila, Philippines Gifted Children and Youth Today, Gifted Adults of the 21st Century