Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter 2023 Issue 10 No 2Professor Mantak YuenDear Colleagues and Friends, Greetings from the Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness! We are pleased to share with you the Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter 2023 Issue 10 No. 2. Grateful thanks to the graphic designers, Suzannie Leung and Tony Chan and the following contributors to this issue: Jyoti Sharma, Chan Pong Lei and Elvo Sou. We hope you will enjoy and benefit from this sharing of knowledge and experience. Please feel free to pass on the APFG Newsletter to your colleagues, friends, students, administrators and policy makers. If you have any suggestions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Grateful thanks for your encouraging support, and stay well. Kind regards, Suzannie Leung, Serene Chan & Mantak Yuen Editors, Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter 2023 Issue 10 No. 2. Read more |
Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter 2023 Issue 10 No 1Professor Mantak YuenDear Colleagues and Friends, Greetings from the Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness! We are pleased to share with you the Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter 2023 Issue 10 No. 1. Grateful thanks to the graphic designers, Suzannie Leung and Winnie Lam Yung, and the following contributors to this issue: Andrée Therrien, Paromita Roy, Anyesha Mishra, Susana Graciela Pérez Barrera, and Ching-Chih Kuo. We hope you will enjoy and benefit from this sharing of knowledge and experience. Please feel free to pass on the APFG Newsletter to your colleagues, friends, students, administrators and policy makers. If you have any suggestions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Grateful thanks for your encouraging support, and stay well. Kind regards, Suzannie Leung, Serene Chan & Mantak Yuen Editors, Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter 2023 Issue 10 No. 1. Read more |