

Gifted Education Guidelines: Suggestions for Supporting Gifted Students’ Development

Prof Ching-Chih Kuo  

Dear Members and Friends of the APFG,
The APFG focuses on gifted and talented individuals in the Asia-Pacific region and their valuable contributions to humanity. Special education administrators, scholars, and teachers in gifted and talented education, special education, psychology, and other fields join with dedicated parents and graduate students to support the APFG's mission. The APFG diligently fulfills the commitments outlined in the Bangkok Declaration, approved on August 16, 2002, and consistently works to improve the development and education of gifted and talented individuals in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness (APFG) proudly presents guidelines on eight selected topics that can inform the efforts of teachers, parents, and other stakeholders in supporting the education of gifted students in the Asia-Pacific region. These guidelines are prepared by the 2022–2024 Executive Committee of the APFG and cover topics related to understanding characteristics and adaptation problems of gifted students; embracing creativity; working with disadvantaged gifted; parenting gifted students; providing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education; nurturing the development of twice-exceptional students; promoting well-being; and fostering career development. We hope these guidelines are relevant, timely, and useful.

Please see attached for details. Thank you.


Best regards,

Jae Yup Jung, Mantak Yuen, & Ching-Chih Kuo

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APFG Constitution

Prof Ching-Chih Kuo  

Please see attached for the most up-to date version of the APFG Contitution 2020.

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[APFG Newsletter 2024] Call for Contributions

Professor Mantak Yuen  

Dear APFG Members, 

We are excited to announce that it is time to begin working on the next issue of the Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter.

We invite you to share any interesting news or updates related to gifted education and talent development in your country or region. Please send your contributions as a Word file by June 8, 2024.

For this issue, we are particularly interested in learning about your country or region's policies and practices concerning Teacher Professional Development for the Education of Gifted and Talented Learners. We would like to know: - What initiatives are being implemented to enhance educators' knowledge and skills for working with gifted learners in your country or region? - What do you regard as the top priorities for action? - What additional steps could be taken to increase and improve this professional development?

We also welcome individual submissions (or co-authored pieces) on other topics of interest to our membership. Where appropriate, please provide links to additional information and resources on the subject.

Submissions may include (but are not limited to):

- Brief summaries of recent research and innovative projects by APFG members

- Notable accomplishments of APFG members

- Interviews with prominent individuals in our field

- News on gifted education in your country or region

Please limit your submissions to 1000 words. Additionally, you may include one or two relevant photos.

We look forward to receiving your contributions and wish you a wonderful summer in 2024.

Best regards,

Suzannie Leung, Serene Chan & Mantak Yuen,

Guest Editors of Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter for Summer 2024

Emails: suzleung@cuhk.edu.hk, schan15@hku.hk, mtyuen@hku.hk

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Invitation to Submit Bid Proposals for Hosting APCG Conference 2026

Professor Mantak Yuen  

Dear Members and Friends of the APFG,

We hope this email finds you well. The Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness (APFG) is now accepting bid proposals to host the 2026 Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness (APCG). This biennial event typically takes place in July or August and offers an opportunity to contribute to the global conversation on gifted and talented education.  

The deadline for submitting your bid is June 15, 2024. Please email your proposal to APFG President Professor Kuo Ching-Chih at kaykuo@ntnu.edu.tw. The APFG Executive Committee Members will review all bids. We encourage potential bidders to participate in the 2024 Takamatsu 18th APCG Conference to present their proposals at the APFG meetings and address any questions from the Executive Committee members. The successful bidder will be announced during the 2024 Takamatsu Conference.  

Your bid proposal should include the following information: 

- Hosting university/government institution(s) 

- Proposed dates (preferably between July and August) 

- Venue (city, conference facilities, number and size of conference rooms, travel/transportation considerations) 

- Conference organization - Tentative program for the main conference 

- Tentative program for the youth summit 

- Conference budget 

- Suggested conference theme and related sub-themes focusing on current and future trends and issues in gifted and talented ducation (not essential but will strengthen your bid) 

- Tourist information  

The APCG Conference usually attracts more than 500 participants for the main conference and 300 students for the youth summit. Please consider a conference site with an auditorium/hall that can accommodate this projected number of attendees. 

The Conference budget should cover the following categories: 

- Rental (venue rental, venue set-up, audio-visual rentals) 

- Publicity (program preparation, publicity, and announcements) 

- Conference operation expenses (telephone, mailings and correspondence, packets, meals) 

- Hospitality (special guests, major speakers) 

- Expenses for the APFG Executive Committee Meetings (7 members) before and during the conference. 

- Proposed registration fees for the main conference (inclusive of welcome reception, lunch, coffee breaks, access to all main conference sessions, conference materials, etc.) 

- Suggested registration fees for the youth summit (including group airport pick-up & drop-off services, catering and accommodation during the youth summit, free registration for one teacher/consultant with 6-12 students and for two teachers/consultants with more than 12 students from each country/region) 

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at kaykuo@ntnu.edu.tw.  

Thank you for your interest in hosting the 2026 APCG Conference. We look forward to receiving your proposal.

Kind regards,

Mantak, Ricci, Serene and Joe

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Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter 2024 Issue 11 No 1

Dr. Mantak Yuen  
Dear Colleagues and Friends, 


Warm greetings from the Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness (APFG)! 


We are delighted to present to you the Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter 2024, Issue 11 No. 1. 


Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the talented graphic designer, Suzannie Leung, and our esteemed contributors for this issue: Lynn Yau, Erkki T. Lassila, and Abu Yazid Abu Bakar. 


We trust that you will find value in the shared knowledge and experiences within this publication. We encourage you to disseminate the APFG Newsletter to your colleagues, friends, students, administrators, and policymakers. 


We welcome contributions all year round. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us. 


Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement. Wishing you good health and well-being. 


Warm regards, 


Serene Chan, Suzannie Leung, & Mantak Yuen 

Editors, Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter 2024, Issue 11 No. 1.

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Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter Call for Contributions

Prof Ching-Chih Kuo  
The Executive Committee of the Asia Pacific Federation on Giftedness is excited to announce a call for nominations for the Asia Pacific Federation on Giftedness Awards to be conferred bi-annually from 2024.

Please see attached for details. Thank you.


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